Well. preceptorship is done and I had a great time. I am however, enjoying having some down time though. My last paper was turned in yesterday and I have one more group presentation due on the 9th then I'm officially done with nursing school! I still can't believe it really. So much is going on right now and these next couple weeks are going to be busy. Tomorrow my daughter starts ballet, I work this weekend then Monday some classmates and I are going to Seattle to take a practice nclex exam that Kaplan provides, sort of like a predicter test. Then next week is my cousins wedding and my pinning. I still have to find a dress, I'm not a dress sort of gal, but I'll make an effort just this once. Starting next week some classmates and I will be meeting for study sessions once a week until the big day.The school still has to send the transcripts out to the department oh health, who will then let Pearsonview know that we're able to sit for boards. Pearsonview will send us an authorization to test, and then we can call and schedule it. So, until then I'll keep studying!